Scaffolds EU during operation

Main principles of the Scaffolds course 

The aim of the Scaffolds EU Safe Scaffolding course is to qualify you to: operate, assemble, inspect and dismantle scaffolding according to Scaffolds EU standards, which are honoured within the European Union. By enrolling on the course, you will acquire the necessary knowledge of an assembler thanks to our expert trainers. 

Scaffolds EU training course 

We have developed the training programme in accordance with the guidelines of the Institute of Mechanised Construction and Rock Mining. The course is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. In the theoretical part, the trainee learns and implements a list of topics in lectures. In the practical part, the future scaffolder performs tasks such as: assembly, operation and dismantling of scaffolding under the supervision of the trainees, on the manoeuvring site. 

Course programme

The training programme includes a range of topics such as: 

  • familiarisation with health and safety rules,  
  • operational use of scaffolding,  
  • assembly and dismantling technologies,  
  • repair and maintenance work.  
scaffolding assembly Scaffolds EU

Post-course examination 

The training course culminates in a state examination under the supervision of the Institute of Mechanised Construction and Rock Mining. The exam consists of a theoretical and a practical part. There, the trainees demonstrate knowledge and skills in the safe operation of scaffolding. A positive result of the exam guarantees the licence of a scaffolding assembly worker granted by the IMBiGS commission. It is also possible to obtain certificates according to Scaffolds EU standards. The certificates are valid throughout the European Union and are valid for 5 years. They must be renewed before the date on the document expires. 

Implementation of themes and tasks in the training 

Trainees on the scaffolding installer course get a comprehensive introduction to: 

  • application of safety regulations, rules and procedures, 
  • performing risk and safety analyses of tasks, 
  • working in special conditions, such as confined spaces or when working with installations in operation, 
  • estimating the amount of material needed for scaffolding,  
  • the application of elementary assembly rules, taking into account the strength, weight, rigidity, stability and safety of the scaffolding, 
  • self-assembly and disassembly of the scaffolding, and correction of any defects noted, 
  • self-assembly and disassembly of scaffolding using technical drawing, 
  • inspecting the scaffolding in use, 
  • the control of the scaffolding control system (ScaffTag), 
  • use of personal protective equipment - required work clothing, 
  • ergonomics at work. 

Requirements for trainees 

Before starting the training process, trainees are required to: 

  • were at least 18 years old,  
  • had a minimum of primary education,  
  • had no medical contraindications to practise their profession, 
  • altitude courses are also often required. 

Work as a scaffolder 

 employee on scaffolding while working

The scaffolder at work will be responsible for: 

  • assembly, dismantling, operation and inspection of scaffolding in accordance with the requirements of the Institute of Mechanised Construction and Rock Mining and the principles of health and safety, 
  • inspection of structural elements before, during and after the work, 
  • quality control of the completed scaffolding and any repairs. 

Where do we train? 

We conduct all training courses from the ERGON offer at our centre in Warsaw and other locations throughout the country. In the case of larger organised groups, we have launched a service to travel to the client's premises for training purposes. 

List of other ERGON courses

  • TDT entitlements, 
  • UNO - use, risks and TDT powers, 
  • UDT equipment maintainer, 
  • aerial work platform maintainer, 
  • mast platform operator, 
  • operator of suspended access platforms, 
  • aerial work platform operator, 
  • operation and maintenance of unloading and loading equipment, 
  • HDS crane operator, 
  • scissor lift operator, 
  • mobile platform operator, 
  • UDT/TDT/WDT entitlements, 
  • flange fitter, 
  • Forklift trucks - become qualified as an operator. 

Questions and answers

What topics are covered on the Scaffold EU course?

The main topics are: learning about health and safety, safe operation of scaffolding, learning assembly technologies, familiarisation with repair and maintenance work. 

What are the pre-training requirements for students?

It is required that trainees are at least 18 years of age, have a valid medical examination and a minimum of basic education.