At our centre, we organise health and safety training not only for newly recruited employees, but also for those who wish to update their existing certificate. We offer attractive prices and the best experts in their field. If you want to keep your company's accident statistics low, health and safety training will be the best way to do so. Episodic incidents do not only happen in hazardous occupations, but in every workplace. Looking after the health and lives of employees is one of the primary responsibilities of an employer, so they should do everything in their power to prevent them. The awareness and sense of responsibility of employees after learning makes them knowledgeable about how to act during work to reduce the risk of hazards. Thanks to our centre, both the employer and his employees will perform their profession safely.  

Participants at the health and safety training course

What health and safety training is on offer? 

We provide two types of health and safety training: 

  • training preliminarywhich must be carried out on the first day before starting work in a new company. Its purpose is to familiarise the employee with the work and safety rules and regulations of the company. This will allow him/her to avoid endangering his/her own life or health or that of others in the future. It is the duty of the employer to provide such a course to everyone who is newly employed in the company. Training must be provided to both contracted employees and those on work experience or student placements, 
  • periodic trainingwhich is carried out during the course of employment so that the employee can continue to perform the duties of his or her position. Periodic training is intended to remind and structure the knowledge already acquired and to introduce new organisational and technical solutions. Depending on the type of work performed, the frequency of training is determined. Employees should receive their first training within the first six months of starting work. 

The next of these must take place at least once per: 

  • year - for particularly hazardous work carried out by labourers, 
  • 3 years - for all other labour positions, 
  • 5 years - for non-managerial positions, 
  • 6 years - in clerical and administrative staff. 

As part of the initial health and safety training, we also perform: 

  • general instructionwhich is intended to familiarise a newly recruited employee with the principles of first aid. Health and safety regulations that are contained in the regulations or the Labour Code must also be presented to the employee. The person who receives the training will receive a health and safety card. It is worth noting that the duration of the general instruction must not be shorter than 90 minutes, 
  • job briefingThe training must be given by the supervisor and must cover the safe execution of the work in question. This instruction must not be shorter than 6 hours and is given by a supervisor. The initial training card for health and safety at work is proof of the training received. 
people in helmets

You will also receive a certificate of completion as part of the training course. This certificate is issued once you have successfully passed a final examination to test your knowledge. The examination is conducted by the course organiser. Health and safety training courses are held at the employer's expense during working hours and can be conducted by: 

  • a safety officer - in establishments with at least 100 employees, the employer is obliged to set up a safety and health service (in this case, instruction may be given by an employee of such a service), 
  • employer, 
  • an employee designated by the employer who holds a certificate of completion of health and safety training. 

What is the price of the course? 

We always ensure that our prices are affordable. They depend primarily on the number of participants in the classes. The more participants, the more attractive the discount we can offer. You can check the price list on our website or contact us directly. We are always happy to answer any questions. 

Where does the training take place? 

We conduct our classes mainly in Warsaw, but they are also organised in other cities in Poland. In the case of organised groups in the form of closed-door training, we are also able to travel to the client's premises by prior arrangement with the client - just agree the details with our staff and we will take care of everything.   

employee carrying out hazardous work

Why is health and safety training so important? 

According to current legislation, every person taking up a job in a company is obliged to undergo this type of training. Furthermore, it must be renewed after a certain period of time depending on the job covered. Occupational health and safety refers to the overall standards related to working conditions. The principles of occupational health and safety are standardised in the Labour Code and are controlled by the State Labour Inspectorate. It is worth remembering the importance of discussing potential accidents that have previously occurred at your workplace, as this will help to make employees aware of potential hazards and what to do to avoid these incidents in the future. In addition to the mandatory training and the required health and safety regulations, we recommend additional training courses, including first aid and fire safety training. Preventing accidents and illnesses in the workforce will undoubtedly help to reduce the number of redundancies in your company, reduce the amount of sick leave and ensure that employees feel safe in the company and that the employer does not incur additional costs in finding a replacement.  

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us, during which you will find out more about our offer and the current price list.