CO boiler stoker training
To be able to operate a central heating boiler, you need to be qualified. At our training centre, we will easily teach you everything you need to successfully pass the exam and obtain the necessary professional qualification. From theory and practice to taking the exam, you can count on our ongoing support.
What can you expect on the course?
Courses in our ERGON Centre for Professional Development for central heating boilers are held in the form of classroom or online lectures and end with an examination before a commission appointed by the Energy Regulatory Office. The licence issued for boiler operators is valid for 5 years, after which it must be renewed. In the training courses, our programme and the concepts discussed include:
- legislation - a selection of issues,
- regulations on technical supervision,
- organising work with thermal equipment,
- occupational tasks of a CO burner,
- Thermal technology - a selection of issues,
- fittings and other materials,
- reading the schematics/design documentation of the CO boiler plant,
- the importance of water in district heating,
- knowledge of steam and water boilers,
- the use of particular types of boilers,
- networks and installations in the heating industry,
- steam and hot water equipment,
- fuels: solid and liquid, instrumentation for control and measurement purposes,
- Occupational health and safety and the equipment and installations used in the heating industry, occupational health and safety and the tasks of a central heating stoker, fire-fighting regulations, first aid.
Who can take part in the courses?
The training is open to all adults with a minimum of primary school education and a certificate from an occupational physician stating that they are in good health and can work as a CH boiler stoker.
What does a central heating boiler burner do?
A boiler stoker is a person who operates central heating boilers on a daily basis, supplying heat, hot water and process steam for the use of various industrial facilities and buildings. In the course of his/her work, he/she operates the flue gas cleaning and flue gas discharge equipment and continuously checks the continuous technical operation of the boilers and the control, measuring, auxiliary and safety equipment; in addition, he/she checks and notes the control and measuring equipment and monitors the technological process. In addition, his/her duties include the control and monitoring of the firing process and the operation of the central heating boilers and the operation of the various fuel supply systems, the supervision of the pressure, meters and temperature of the air flow and the control and measurement apparatus. The place of work of the central heating boiler burner is, as you can guess, the boiler room. Two primary positions can be distinguished in the work of the stoker:
- gas central heating boiler burnerwhich operates boilers heated with gaseous fuels (natural gas, biogas, propane and butane),
- stoker of central heating water boilerswhich operates boilers heated with solid fuel.
Why invest in training?
The course as a central heating boiler stoker is essential in order for the employee to prevent all potential risks and to be able to carry out the tasks assigned to him/her with care for his/her own and others' health and life. In the course, the future stoker will learn how to automatically operate fired boilers so that they produce steam to supply heat or energy for buildings or industrial facilities. In addition, he or she will be able to light gas and oil burners with a suitable igniter. The trainee will also learn what a pulveriser is and how to monitor the pressure, gauges and temperature of the air flow displayed on the control or measuring board in order to be able to regulate the operation of the automatic combustion control system in good time. The course covers these and several other concepts related to the profession in question.
Course price
Compared to other companies, the price of training with us is very attractive and set individually with the customer. We are open to negotiation and grant profitable discounts for organised groups.
Where do we provide training?
Training courses are available open to anyone interested, but we also organise classes for closed groups with travel to the client. Courses are held according to the up-to-date information on our website. The main objective of our company is to provide customers with training services of the highest quality. Qualified methodologists and other people with many years of practice take care of the quality of training and the best possible customer satisfaction in all our locations, which are located in Warsaw and other regions of Poland. However, with our trainees in mind, we go the extra mile, are mobile and also organise closed training courses. For more information, please call us.