ADR Adviser Course - DGSA
W ERGON Centre for Staff Improvement You can enrol on a course to become an ADR Advisor (DGSA). This course is designed for people who want to work as ADR adviser (DGSA) in companies.
A DGSA advisor is essential for companies that deal with the following services:
- transporting dangerous goods in quantities requiring the vehicle to be marked with ADR orange plates by road
- loading, unloading and packaging and filling using dangerous goods
A Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor for road transport must pass the DGSA advisor course as a person whose task is to ensure that dangerous goods are transported correctly. The DGSA course is required under the Transport of Dangerous Goods Act and the European ADR agreement.
The ADR adviser has the following responsibilities:
- preparation of annual reports
- preparing post-accident reports
- advice on carriage of dangerous goods
- determining the correctness of the carriage in accordance with the requirements of the act and the ADR agreement
An advisor can be a person who has completed the DGSA course, and:
- over 21 years of age
- has a university degree
- has not been convicted of a deliberate criminal offence
- has passed the national examination
We offer a DGSA Adviser course for people who want to become authorised for the first time or whose authorisation has expired - this is a basic course. We also run a DGSA adviser course for staff who already have a licence and want to update it - a top-up course.
The Counsellor course concludes with a State examination consisting of three parts - a general part, a specialist part and a practical task. In order to pass the exam, you must get at least 80% good answers in the general and specialist part and solve the task. With us, you can pass the exam even more easily - we provide professional expert help and the necessary materials.
Take a course to become an ADR Advisor at our centre!