Inspection and maintenance of slings
Specifics, types and uses of slings A sling is a piece of equipment on a lifting device. Most often it is not part of the crane. They are used where there is a need to move loads. They are used in processes...
Repair of mobile platforms
Escalators - a brief overview Escalators are machines that are used to transport and lift people to a specific height. They are lifting devices used in the service sector, industry or...
Why is it a good idea to perform regular maintenance on mobile platforms?
Specifics of mobile platforms Mobile platforms fulfil a very similar role to that of scaffolding commonly used for work at heights. Thanks to platforms, we can reach places in locations where erecting a classic scaffolding...
What should be done in the event of a crane breakdown?
The specifics of cranes It is hard to imagine a construction site of any kind where specialised equipment in the form of cranes has not been used. This is because these machines make it possible to transport the heaviest materials vertically. With...
Światłowody – podstawa sieci 5G
Nowa era komunikacji Wkraczamy w przełomowy moment, gdzie komunikacja, informacja i technologia splatają się w jedno. W tej epoce światłowody pełnią funkcję kręgosłupa, na którym opiera się cała struktura...
Legal labour protection, i.e. security and protection of workers' rights
What do we call legal labour protection? Legal labour protection is referred to as the totality of legal, economic, technical as well as organisational standards that serve to ensure the safety and health of workers at work. The term.
How do you weld correctly with a welding torch?
When should we get a welding machine? We do a variety of jobs in the home workshop, including: carpentry, working on a car engine, etc. Occasionally, however, there is a need for the work to be ...
Forklift truck service
About ERGON Our company deals with the repair and sale of forklift truck parts. Our offer includes the repair of LPG, diesel and electric forklift trucks from companies such as:...
Sale of new and used UDT machines
What does our offer include? Our offer includes both used and new equipment. In addition, we have a wide range of consumables, forklift parts and additional...
Repair of UDT machines
Technical documentation As is widely known, all handling equipment requires careful preparation of the relevant documentation and maintenance in accordance with the requirements of the Office of Technical Inspection. Our company provides the comprehensive services required by the UDT. ...