In the work of a car diagnostician many advanced tools are used nowadays. Newer cars are saturated with electronics, therefore automotive diagnostics is also based on computerised equipment, thanks to which it is easy to check the causes and types of faults in vehicles.

Computerised car diagnostics with the use of special testers significantly facilitates the work of a car diagnostician, who can precisely determine what type of fault occurs in a vehicle and quickly find a solution. At the same time, it is not necessary to carry out disassembly works of individual car systems, which accelerates finding defects. These are shown on the computer screen in the form of codes for individual components, and on this basis it is then possible to see how to solve the problem. Advanced computer programmes are able to diagnose virtually any fault in a car, including those relating to the engine and its indicators, ABS, airbags, security systems or air conditioning.

The computer is connected to the car using special sockets. Diagnostic testers are available in different variants and not all of them are able to handle all car models, therefore various types of diagnostic equipment are used in car workshops. Although it is quite expensive, as its price may reach several dozen thousand zlotys, it is becoming the basic equipment and everyone learns how to use it car diagnostician. This subject is also covered in the courses for a car diagnostician.

Familiarity with the operation of computerised car diagnostic equipment is essential. Every diagnostician should thoroughly familiarise himself with the equipment manual. To this end, the manufacturers also organise their own training courses. In addition, the software is updated, so when selecting it you should always pay attention to the parameters and capabilities. Thus, every person working as a car diagnostician nowadays comes into contact with computer testers, and the ability to use them is invaluable and makes it easier to get a job in the position.

At a glance:

  • Regulations - Car diagnostician
  • Deregulation of the profession of car diagnostician
  • Automotive diagnostic examination
  • Licences for filler installations - when do I need them?
  • MSDS Safety Data Sheet