Legal basis for the entitlements of the Technical Inspection Agency
According to the law, designated technical equipment may only be operated by those persons who have the appropriate authorisations issued by the Office of Technical Inspection.
The Office of Technical Inspection, abbreviated as UDT, is a state institution established to ensure an appropriate level of safety for technical devices and installations that are subject to technical supervision. Its scope of activities includes, among others, certification, training, conducting research and expert opinions, supervision and control over observance of the technical supervision regulations. UDT's head office is located in Warsaw at Szczęśliwicka Street 34, and the whole institution is composed of 29 regional branches located all over Poland.
To obtain UDT authorisations It is necessary to attend an appropriate training course and then take an examination before a board made up of UDT members. Successful completion of the examination confers the licence.
Legal basis - selected documents:
- Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 7 December 2012 on types of technical devices subject to technical supervision (Journal of Laws 2012 No. 0 item 1468), issued on the basis of Article 5(2) of the Act on Technical Supervision
- Act of 21 December 2000 on technical supervision (Journal of Laws 2013, item 963 as amended)
- Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 18 July 2001 on the procedure for checking qualifications required for the operation and maintenance of technical devices (Journal of Laws No. 79, item 849), amended by the regulation of 20 February 2003 (Journal of Laws No. 50, item 426), issued on the basis of Article 23, paragraph 5 of the Act on technical supervision
- Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 28 December 2001 on the technical conditions of technical supervision to be met by lifts (Journal of Laws No. 4, item 43)
- Ordinance of the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology of 30 October 2018 on the technical conditions for technical supervision in the operation, repair and modernisation of materials handling equipment (Journal of Laws 2018 item 2176)