Deregulations in access to professions are constantly being introduced. They have affected almost every sector, including the automotive one. The criteria for obtaining authorisations to practice the profession of a car diagnostician responsible for technical examination of vehicles have also been modified. These changes came into force on 10 August 2014 with the Act on facilitating access to the exercise of certain regulated professions.Previously, the qualifications were determined by a university degree and by having documented practice in a repair shop or at a vehicle service station. You also had to attend a training course for vehicle diagnosticians and then take a state examination.

Below are the existing requirements and the changes made to access to training:

  • higher technical education (automotive specialisation) and 2 years of proven practical experience - after deregulation reduced to 6 months
  • have a secondary technical education (automotive specialisation) and a proven track record of 4 years - after deregulation, reduced to 1 year
  • higher technical education (in a field other than motor vehicles) and 4 years of proven practical experience - after deregulation reduced to 1 year
  • have a secondary technical education (in fields other than motor vehicles) and have 8 years of proven practical experience - after deregulation, reduced to 2 years
  • having a training course for persons applying for a diagnostic licence - after deregulation, persons who have a university degree in a specialisation of technical sciences concerning knowledge and skills within the framework of automotive diagnostics do not have to undergo training

It is still necessary to pass the state examination before the Commission of Transport Technical Inspection.

An additional change is the inclusion of practical training relating to the study programme as part of the period of practical training. This only applies to those who have completed their apprenticeship under an agreement between vehicle inspection stations or other entities in the automotive diagnostics industry and the university.

At a glance:

  • Safety procedures for filling and emptying fuel tanks
  • Regulations - Car diagnostician
  • Computerised car diagnostics
  • Automotive diagnostic examination
  • Licences for filler installations - when do I need them?